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These 5 cleaning hacks will save you time, effort and money

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Experts have given their best time-saving c tips which promise to save you time and money

They say you should get rid of first and learn which items have emotional value.

If you initially do this your up should be an enjoyable experience.

Experts have given five cleaning hacks which will save you time and effort in addition to saving you cash.

1. Don’t start if you can’t finish

It is not productive to statrt the process and then stop again says Marie Bateson. of the Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers ()

She is a founder of , a professional decluttering service. She urges people to “Book some time with yourself to complete the job. Treat it like a piece of work.”

Laura Paterson of , was in agreement with what she suggested. She said: “Having a well-executed plan is clearly key,”

Having a clear plan is essential or you to stop giving up halfway through.


image 2. Only keep things you love

Getting rid of precious items is difficult and can seem disrespectful to then person who gave you the item.

And Pearson agreed we do sometimes struggle to let go of things.

She added: “Most of us having limiting beliefs that hold us back from letting go of our things. Holding onto stuff can often be linked to things like money mindset, fear of scarcity and worries about ‘not having enough’.

“Ask yourself when was the last time that you truly used the things in your home and be honest with yourself about how much value they add to your life. This will help you to let go.

People are urged to complete the process by knowing where the items will go. She also saidntyey should be bagged up and no doubts made over your first decision

Kate Ibbotson, of said: “Don’t over attach. Remember that memories aren’t in ‘things’, they are inside us. Of course, it is important to keep possessions which remind you of a loved one or a particular experience, but how many do you need?

image 3. Declutter by category

Another method is to declutter by category. These can include clothes, books, paperwork and sentimental pieces, rather than taking a rom by room decluttering. approach.

Spencer says gathering category items together enables you to easily identify duplication

It also allows confident decisions about getting rid of items some of which you maybe surprised about how many you own.

The KonMari method says decluttering should happen in order. The easiest category is clothing before books, papers and sentimental items which should be left to the end.

If this is not done, an afternoon can be spent simply looking at photographs and without progress. Experts say it is important to get things done quickly to allow you to spend time the things you love.

image 4. Start from the ceilings

After decluttering is done its time to clean, Henry Patterson from , says cleaning the items you use for the job is vital,

He said: “Thoroughly wash your mop and bucket and empty your vacuum cleaner before you do the floors. And make sure to remove any hair or other debris that’s stuck in the roller of your vacuum.”

If your tools are not clean they will spread more dirt where you don't want it to be. which also means you should clean your vacuum cleaner!

Patterson added: “Also, clean from top to bottom in each roomwiping the highest surfaces first and working down to ground level.”e important during a spring clean as you’re likely to be dislodging more dust than usual.”

5. Sort, schedule and sanitise

Cleaning experts recommend a deep clean which they say will make later cleans easier.

1. Sort: Find time to sort out each room and its contents. This reduces he number of items you need to clean in the future and have a home filled with items you love.

2 . Schedule: The process should be treated as a job and given the he attention it deserve. :Clear your diary so you have laser focus on the job

3. Sanitise: Ensure you first clean the equipment and make the job worth doing which will keep your home cleaner for longer.

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